Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry


Women played an active role in the earthly ministry of our Saviour and today, our women ministry is still fulfilling supportive roles in serving the church.

Its aim is to encourage women to engage with God through His word and prayer.

This opportunity is provided by supporting the spiritual well-being of all women within the church and outside the church. Seminars, workshops and forums are employed to expose women to the gospel truth, understand the gospel, respond to the gospel and apply it to every sphere of their life.

Develop friendship in the neighbourhood, local community, work or school as a means to reach out to other women. A place where every woman is accepted, loved by God with a desire to serve God.

Dear Sister,

Calvary Greetings to you.

we held the Ladies’ Conference on the 15th of May 2021 and we were blessed by the messages delivered by each of our speakers.

We hope the fire and passion that was ignited keeps burning!

Let’s remember to respectfully speak out against sinful agendas in the schools of our children and in our communities.

Let’s also remember to take advantage of the discount offered by Christianity Explored to aid our evangelism, and intentionally form relationships with people in our local communities so we can share our faith with them.

The Lord is counting on us. May he find us faithful in Jesus’ name!

Please see below a link where you can download the messages and the presentations of the speakers:-
